10 Things that Every Business Website Must Have

Whenever a person looks up for a product or a service, it has become a general habit of surfing the internet before making decisions. Thus, a business presence online has become one of the most effective ways of marketing your services. If you have a business website developed for yourself, you should make sure the site does contain the following components. You may consider to hire web designer for the same.

A Decent Theme And A Layout

The layout and the theme need to be something that feels good to the audience’s eyes. Too many pop-ups or links can distract the customer. Moreover, you may want to choose a layout that has simple, not too coloured, well organised and user-friendly approach. Anyone touring the site should be able to completely understand what they want to convey and actually be able to interact with the site.

There are various themes and layouts you may want to choose from. Keep a menu section having the tabs ‘Home Page,’ ‘About Us,’ ‘Services,’ ‘Contact Us,’ etc. Further, if you have the products listed, then you can consider separating them in different categories. Make sure to use high quality images or videos.

An Appropriate Domain Name

This is important if you haven’t yet decided your domain name. Go for something that can explain what your website is about. Consider using only words and not special characters from SEO point of view. For example, if you offer repair services, you can name your site as repair services.com or some other sorts.

Include Your Contact Details
You should be giving you contact details so make sure that you do not lose upon leads just because the clients had queries. You may want to include your mobile number, email address, social media accounts, etc. Add your office address letting the people reach you physically. Consider showing your location on the map along with the address. Furthermore, a chat window or a contact form also helps for instant contacts. Make sure you have a separate contact page in the menu.

The testimonials section shows the experience of the customers with your services. Their reviews, recommendations, feedbacks are worth to attract new clients and build the overall trust of the business. 79% of the customers prefer looking at the testimonials before opting for the project. While you make up a testimonials page, make sure you do not overdo it. Have a reliable testimonial page.

Search Engine Optimisation

The SEO technique is used for a website to rank on top in the search engine rankings. Not just the blog posts, but follow the SEO practices in every piece of content, image and URL that you have.  Also, consider adding relevant metadata to allow each post and page of your website rank well and explain the users why should they land up to your site for their searches. You may want to use online tools to identify long tail keywords since they are more effective to the search engines.

List all your Products and Services
For a customer to understand about your business, make sure to list every product online. Of course, unlike an offline business, you do not have a limited space on your website. Categorise the products properly. Make sure you have product descriptions for each of them.

Furthermore, an about us sections has a vast relevance when it comes to explaining what your business is all about. Thus, along with the listing of your products and services, it is imperative to let the people know what your company is all about. Furthermore, you may add a mission and a vision statement, a why us section, etc. for a better attention.

A Right Web Hosting For Your Site And Security
Security is an important concern to assure no threats in the online payments. This is imperative to maintain trust with your clients. Though we all want to make minimal investments, it is rather significant to keep your site away from hackers. Thus, investment in your site's security and choosing the right web hosting becomes imperative. Moreover, you will need to have an SSL certificate for making online transactions. When you have hired freelance website developer, do ensure that these companies provide all such services.

A Blogging Section
Blogging is something that Google loves. You may find various contributors or hire content writers to keep updating content on your site. An SEO optimised blog can help you get a lot of traffic ultimately leading you to various customers. The blogging part, in addition, becomes a place of discussion where you may want to express your thoughts and opinions on a regular basis. In the blog section, you can add a sliding header showing the most popular or featured posts.


When you hire a freelance web developer, while they apparently make a responsive site, try using the site from different devices. Analyse if you like the design in all the forms. The website should be responsive not just to a desktop user but to a mobile or tablet user too. Research says that 80% of the organic traffic comes from mobile-users. Thus, it becomes important to consider how the site looks in different devices. It is advised to keep the font size at least 14x on mobile sites. Further, since the menu may not fit in at the top like on a desktop, you may place a button for the menu to appear on the entire screen. Moreover, divide the sections of the website to make it more responsive on mobile phones. These tips will get you an amazing performance of the site on and sort of device.


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