Why should you have a Responsive Web Design

What is a responsive web design? It is simply a design of a website that adapts to any device we use. No matter how big or small the screen of the device is, the responsiveness enhances the level of comfort of using a site on any device. Initially, a one used to develop a single type of website that responded to desktops only. However, with the increasing demands of the smartphones, these websites started incurring issues such as lack of user interaction. Today, the competition is so vast that we need a responsive website as a priority. A lot of freelance web designers in India offer these services making a design of the website adaptable to any sort of device. Let us find out why do you need to get a responsive website for your business. We will also discuss some tips about how this factor of responsiveness works.

Components of a responsive web design

There are three main components of a responsive web design. These are:

•    Fluid Grids

This is a system where the width of the layout is scaled based on the screen of the user. This layout is also known as a liquid layout. These layouts ensure that the elements re-size themselves based the screen size. Basically, the width of the image is simply reduced in the proportion of the width of the image.

•    Media Queries

Modern browsers today support CSS3 media queries. These enable the websites to collect data from individual visitors and conditionally apply CSS styles. The designers implement specific CSS styles using the min-width media feature once the browser is seen below the width specified. For example, if the viewport is less than a specified width, the media query may tell the browser not to show a particular element.

•    Flexible images

When the maximum width of an image is set to 100%, the image shrinks in proportion to the size of the screen. Thus, the designers do not have to declare the high and width in the code. The images resize themselves automatically. This is called flexible images responsive web design.

Benefits of a responsive web design

The following points will help you know why it is worth to hire freelance web designer in India to get a responsive web design. You will have an increased ROI since a responsive web page has the following benefits.

Fast loading

A web page loading takes lesser time in the mobile phones compared to that of a desktop. Since you will have an engaging website through mobile phones, the users will love your site. Since you will have a set responsiveness for every element, they won’t take much time to lead and adjust themselves.

Low bounce rates

A responsive web design gets a much better experience for the visitor. They are likely to stay longer on your site. On the other hand, if your website is not responsive, there would be no engagement ultimately increasing the bounce rates.

More traffic

Since mobile users are double the number of desktop users, there is an enhanced traffic opportunity through various mobile devices. Each mobile device varies in size. An uncomfortable view will lead to reverting of the traffic rather than creating an engagement with the website.

Lower cost

It considerably takes lesser time to build a responsive site compared to creating different websites for different sorts of devices. Moreover, a company does not tend to create a brand image for its business with varied sorts of websites. Having a simple and a consistent design is enough. The same costs pretty less compared to any other investment. Thus, one tends to earn high traffic at low costs ultimately increasing the returns.

Less maintenance

Having a screen layout that adjusts automatically based on the screen size will not require any maintenance. If there’s any other device launched in the market, you will not have to run to create another responsive design. The strategy of one size for all works if you have a flexible designing done for your site.

High conversion rates

Since you have made a responsive website, every visitor who visits your site will like it and have a great experience. The people inspired by your products or services will definitely come back to your site and let you get high conversions due to this fantastic experience they have on their handsets. If your competitor does not have a responsive site, they are likely to make your site a preference. Thus, you tend to make more customers in the market.

Final words

When ultimately, we aim at creating conversions, a responsive website has 10 times better conversions compared to a simple one. For these reasons, you should opt for a responsive site and build good engagement with your customers.


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