How to Choose a Color for Your Business Logo

A logo is the face of a company. It differentiates the identity of one company from the other in terms of visuals. Just like the name of a company is a great matter of concern, so is its logo. Understanding the essence, meaning and vitality of each colour is very important for a logo designer. While you hire a logo designer online, it is important to analyse if the designer understands every colour and can give you good enough suggestions for your logo. Every small element of a logo needs to be considered to make sure it provides the message that we actually aim to offer. While the colours may mean differently to different societies, we have gathered a general understanding of each of them accepted at large.

Let us find out what different colours mean:


The purple colour denotes luxury and royalty. It is often used in association with a church indicating dignity and wisdom. It has been a colour of the wealth and riches throughout the history.


Blue perfectly signifies professionalism, sincerity, integrity, seriousness and calmness. It associates with success and authority. Thus, it is one of popular colours among the corporate logos. It is popular among both government bodies as well as the financial institutions.


The colour green obviously indicates the credentials of ethics and natural content. It is majorly used to show vegetarian and organic food. However, green also denotes freshness and growth and thus is popular among companies who provide financial products too.


The yellow colour is an indication of warmth, sunny and friendship. However, it is more preferred to showing the warning signs the signify cowardice. Alike red, it is also known to denote appetite.

The orange colour denotes modern thinking and innovation. It also holds implications of fun, youth, approachability and affordability.


Red is a colour denoting danger, aggression, warmth, heat, energy and passion. The colour is also an inspiration to the appetite. For the same reason, you will find many restaurants and food companies having a red colour logo. The red colour is more dynamic in nature.


Pink is usually for feminine associations. It denotes fun and flirty nature. However, it is often not considered for companies who do not specifically focus on women.


It indicates a split personality. While it implies power and complexity, it is also associated with death and evil. Commonly, you will need a black and white version of your logo where media colours may not be available. Moreover, the bold monochrome logos or the word marks are in a great trend today.


The white colour denotes simplicity, purity, peace and cleanliness. This colour will always appear in a logo field, mostly with a white background. However, numerous companies have chosen white for their main logo design, leaving the background coloured. For example, Coca-Cola, they denote the term in white and have a red background.


The brown colour is generally for the products that associate with outdoors and the rural life. However, it also gives masculine connotations in general.

While these are not the rigid rules one follows, they are generally kept in mind while making colour choices. While it is not just the colour that your logo depends on, it is still a vital component to be considered.

What’s better, single or multiple colours?

In order to get a deep impact out of your colour codes, it’s good to stick with one colour. Facebook is one of the examples of a single coloured logo. However, there are various multi-coloured successful logos too. For example, windows, eBay, Google, etc. However, a thing in common among these companies is they have multiple domain of products and services.

These multi-coloured logos indicate diversity. They use multiple shades of colours with contrasting brightness. However, nowadays, there’s a trend of using a single colour with different shades. This is again a great idea to consider if you plan to create a logo for your business.

Think with a global perspective

 When you plan to take your business to global business, you need to make your logo colour choice with care. Different colours may mean differently in different countries. For instance, red is a colour denoting passion and excitement in the western cultures, but it is a sign of danger or caution in the middle east. While these differences may persist, you have to make the most optimum decision. You may consider hiring a logo designer online to help you make an optimum choice of logo for your business giving it a visual identity. 


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